The Power of Trees Community Expo

WYA members attended Bedford 2030's The Power of Trees Community Expo and Forum. This full day experience included a keynote presentation by Jessica Schuler, the Program Coordinator of Natural Resources for the Westchester County Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation.

Following the keynote presentation, three of our members conducted community outreach, let people know about WYA and surveyed the public about local environmental justice issues. Our members, Monday Lerner, Roxie Bloom and Michelle Jones conducted a survey that asked the public to think about their relationship with nature, analyze ways that they could improve their eco-footprint and inquired about environmental issues apparent in our county.

We were visited by a familiar face who came by to learn about WYA.

Mental Health Listening Tour

WYA members attended the 2023 Governor Hochul's Youth Mental Health Listening Tour. This two-hour experience included a chance to join an in-person listening session where youth from Ossining Youth Bureau, White Plains Youth Bureau, The Westchester County Youth Bureau were asked about their thoughts, ideas and what they can share to improve mental health for youth. 

Youth were told that there is a chance that their experiences and thoughts would be shared with state leaders. 

This listening tour was a part of a series of listening sessions to hear from the New York State youth themselves on their mental health and wellbeing. The listening tour will happen in person in five locations around New York State in April and May 2023.


We were thrilled to be part of Invest Fest hosted by the Westchester Youth Bureau at Ridge Road Park in Hartsdale. More than 20 youth serving agencies and 300 youth were in attendance. WYA ran a booth and enjoyed the opportunity to help teens have fun while gaining exposure to existing youth services and natural supports in the county.

Share Your Story Workshops

November programming featured a three session series of "Share Your Story" workshops. WYA presented these workshops in partnership with Senator Shelley Mayer's Youth Advisory Council and the YWCA White Plains. Participants had the opportunity to learn frameworks and approaches for developing their own personal narratives. Teens learned more about each other through identity building writing activities that culminated in a gathering at The Pamplemousse Project.


Great Pumpkin Blaze Events


2022 Highlights