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Questions or inquiries? Contact our program director, Chloe Fernandez, at

Our Curriculum

Join a unique network of Westchester teens committed to building bridges across diverse communities of faith, race and identity through dialogue and service

Destination #1 Nurturing Voice

When identity is both individual and collective, individuals see themselves as not only living in but functioning as organically part of their community.  The focus here is on observation:  seeing deeply into who we are in the present.

Destination #2 Community-building

Community, in the best sense, is always aspirational.  Rooting ourselves in community allows us to see ourselves as growing individuals and as part of an evolving society.   

Destination # 3 Action

From its inception, WYA has developed a reputation as a teen group that acts. By definition these acts are in service to their community. Not insignificantly, participants describe their experiences as fun.